Jun 4-6 – SC-244 w/WG-129, Take-off Performance Monitoring (TOPM) System Strategy, will meet at RTCA Headquarters in Washington, DC. They are creating a report with recommendations for possible standards development or revision to current standards regarding TOPM issues.
Jun 6 – SC-217 w/WG-44, Aeronautical Databases, will meet in a joint plenary with working meeting hosted by EUROCONTROL in Brussels, Belgium. The group will continue work on updates to DO-201C/ED- 77B. The group has completed the DO-200C/ED-76B which will be published by RTCA and EUROCAE towards the end of June. Registration is required to attend. Virtual participation will be available.
Jun 6 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, will meet virtually in plenary to continue work on DO-230N – Standards for Airport Security Access Control Systems. They are reviewing all sections for updates and are considering adding a new section on artificial intelligence. Publication is expected in mid-2025.
Jun 13 – SC-239, Low Range Radar Altimeter, will meet in joint plenary in Hamburg, Germany hosted by Airbus. The group will continue work on the Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Low Range Radar Altimeters. The group will also discuss a Terms of Reference update to identify the publication date for the MOPS. Registration is required to attend. Virtual Participation will be available.
Jun 10-14 – SC-214 w/WG-78, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, will meet at Eurocontrol in Maastricht, Netherlands. The group will work to resolve comments for two documents, DO-280B/ED-110B Change 2 and DO-351B/ED-229B Change 1 to be presented to the Program Management Committee in September 2024. They will also begin work on a new standard for ATS Data Communication and Verification Testing.
Jun 24 & 28 – SC-206 w/WG-76, Aeronautical Information and Meteorological Data Link Services, will be hosted by Boeing at their Vancouver, Canada facilities for a joint plenary. They will continue work on a new turbulence standard, DO-364A/ED-XXX to add newly defined AIS and MET service descriptions, a revision to DO-358B and an RTCA Report to include recommendation(s) regarding possible standards to support aircraft-based meteorological observation dependent applications. All items are scheduled for publication in 2025.
Jun 24 & 28 – SC-216 w/WG-72, Aeronautical Information Systems Security, will meet in joint plenary at RTCA Headquarters, Washington, DC. They are scheduled to complete work on resolution of comments from DO-326B/ED-202B’s FRAC/OC and recommend forwarding to PMC and Council for publication in fall 2024. They are also working on a revision of DO-392/ED-206 and development of two new documents entitled Information Security Management System for Aviation Organizations and Standard on Aviation Data Security. These other documents are expected to be published in late 2025. They are awaiting approval for changes to their Terms of Reference to be presented to the June 27th Program Management Committee meeting for two additional taskings.
Jun 26 – SC-235, Non-Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, will meet virtually in plenary to continue work on resolution of items from DO-227B’s second Final Review and Comment (FRAC). The group is aiming for publication in late 2024.
Jun 27 – PMC, Program Management Committee, will meet at RTCA Headquarters in Washington, DC. The PMC will consider publication of DO-200C from SC-217 and DO-317 Change 1 from SC-186. Topics for discussion include updates to 7 Terms of References, FAA actions on RTCA publications, Updates on International Coordination, and a report on the World Radio Conference 2023.
See https://www.rtca.org/committees-overview/upcoming-committee-meetings/ for agendas for each of these meetings.