June 4-5 – SC-244 w/WG-129, Take-off Performance Monitoring (TOPM) System Strategy, met at RTCA Headquarters in Washington, DC. They are creating a report with recommendations for possible standards development or revision to current standards regarding TOPM issues. The internal report is scheduled to be completed later this year.
Jun 6 – SC-217 w/WG-44, Aeronautical Databases, met in a joint plenary session at EUROCONTROL in Brussels, Belgium. The group reviewed potential changes to DO-201B/ED-77A. Updates to the document are driven by changes in the ARINC 424 standard as well as the potential to add data quality requirements for data driven aeronautical charts. Their document, DO-200C/ED-76B was approved by the PMC for publication at the June 27 meeting.
Jun 6 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, met virtually in plenary to continue work on DO-230N – Standards for Airport Security Access Control Systems. They are reviewing all sections for updates and are considering adding a new section on artificial intelligence. Publication is expected in mid-2025.
Jun 10-14 – SC-214 w/WG-78, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, met at EUROCONTROL in Maastricht, Netherlands, and approved two documents to exit FRAC and to be presented to the PMC in September for approval and publication. Their next meeting will be held virtually in August.
Jun 13 – SC-239 w/WG-119, Low Range Radar Altimeter, was hosted at Airbus in Hamburg, Germany. The group continues to make progress in developing a Minimum Operational Performance standard for Radar Altimeters.
Jun 24 & 28 – SC-206 w/WG-76, Aeronautical Information and Meteorological Data Link Services, met in joint plenary at The Boeing Company, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They continued work on a new turbulence standard, DO-364A/ED-XXX to add newly defined AIS and MET service descriptions, a revision to DO-358B and an RTCA Report to include recommendation(s) regarding possible standards to support aircraft-based meteorological observation dependent applications. All items are scheduled for publication in 2025.
Jun 24 & 28 – SC-216 w/WG-72, Aeronautical Information Systems Security, met in joint plenary at RTCA Headquarters in Washington, DC. They completed resolution of comments from DO-326B/ED-202B’s FRAC/OC and recommended forwarding the document to the PMC and Council for publication in September. They also continued work on a revision of DO-392/ED-206 and development of two new documents entitled Information Security Management System for Aviation Organizations and Standard on Aviation Data Security. These documents that are still being worked on are expected to be published in mid to late 2025.
Jun 26 – SC-235, Non-Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, met virtually in plenary to continue work through resolution of items from DO-227B’s second Final Review and Comment (FRAC). The group is aiming for publication in late 2024.
Jun 27 – PMC, Program Management Committee, met at RTCA Headquarters in Washington, DC and approved two documents for publication: DO-317C Change 1 and DO-200C. They also approved RTCA reissuing DO-200B with formatting errata included. Ten Terms of Reference (ToR) were updated for Special Committees. The next meeting of the PMC will be on September 26, 2024.
Agendas for all Plenary meetings of RTCA Special Committees and recent news from our special committees can be found at: https://www.rtca.org/committees-overview/. Please contact the program director for virtual connection information.