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RTCA Special Committee Recap for December 2023

January 3, 2024
Home / News / RTCA Special Committee Recap for December 2023

Dec 4 & 8 – SC-216 w/WG-72, Aeronautical Information Systems Security, met in joint plenary with EUROCAE WG-72 at Honeywell International in Phoenix, AZ. They approved DO-326B/ED-202B for release of Final Review and Comment/Open Consultation (FRAC/OC). They also continued to work to revise one other document and two new documents. All four documents are expected to be published in 2024.

Dec 4 & 8 – SC-206 w/WG-76, Aeronautical Information and Meteorological Data Link Services, met in joint plenary with EUROCAE WG-76 at Honeywell International in Phoenix, AZ. They continued work on DO-364A/ED-XXX to add newly defined AIS and MET service descriptions and receive a status report on a new turbulence standard. They also discussed adjusting the delivery date for the DO-364A/ED-XXX joint document and added two new tasks to the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Dec 7 – SC-217 w/WG-44, Aeronautical Databases, met in a virtual plenary and approved the motion to initiate FRAC/OC on DO-200C/ED-76B, Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data. Updates to the document include the numbering of requirements to streamline the use of the document in approvals. The group will then meet in Olathe, KS, hosted by Garmin the first week of March to resolve all comments prior to publication in June 2024. Members of the public wishing to submit comments should send an email to [email protected].

Dec 7 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, met virtually in plenary to close FRAC on DO-230M. It was completed and will be presented to the Program Management Committee (PMC) at the March 2024 meeting for final approval and publication.

Dec 11-12 – SC-135 w/WG-14, Environmental Testing, met in a two-day virtual plenary to continue their internal review and comment process on eight sections of DO-160H/ED-14H. The group will perform an internal review and comment on seven sections of Revision H of DO-160()/ED-14(). The group hopes to resolve all internal comments prior to initiating FRAC/OC in early 2025.

Dec 11-15 – SC-223 w/WG-108, Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) and AeroMACS, met at RTCA in Washington, DC, and continued work on the updates to the IPS profiles document, DO-379A/ED-262A. These updates are in alignment with DO-404/ED-315 which is the MASPS for IPS. The joint group will consider a motion to initiate FRAC/OC on DO-379A/ED-262A in March at their next plenary.

Dec 13 – SC-222 w/WG-82, Airborne Mobile Satellite (Remote) Systems (AMS(R)S), met virtually in joint plenary with EUROCAE WG-82 to discuss a potential scope change for an upcoming revised MOPS (DO-262G/ED-243D) and MASPS (DO-343E/ED-242D). The scope change was agreed upon and approved (along with a delivery date change) for adjustment of the groups’ ToRs. Follow on will be presentation to the PMC for any further action early in 2024.

Dec 14 – Program Management Committee (PMC), met at RTCA in Washington, DC. The group reviewed and approved two new documents (a MOPS for helicopter terrain awareness warning system for onshore helicopter operations and an SPR-INTEROP for non-cooperative UAS detection systems) and three revised documents (updated MOPS  for GBSS traffic surveillance, MASPS for C2 link system supporting UAS operations in US, and an OSED for UAS DAA) for publication, approved one administrative change for one Special Committee (SC) ToR, six ToR revisions, received updates on important SC activities, and discussed several significant topics.

Agendas for all Plenary meetings of RTCA Special Committees and recent news from our special committees can be found at: https://www.rtca.org/committees-overview/. Please contact the program director for virtual connection information.


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