Apr 2-3 – SC-238 w/WG-115, Counter UAS, met in joint plenary at RTCA in Washington, DC. The committee and working group discussed the recent Advisory Rulemaking Committee and the Handbook on UAS Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Public Space. The report was used as a catalyst to continue work on updates to its OSED document for Counter UAS, to be published later this year. The next virtual meeting will occur virtually the week of July.
Apr 8-11 – SC-135 w/WG-14, Environmental Testing, met in a joint plenary at EUROCAE headquarters in Saint Denis, France. The joint group has completed an internal Review and Comment process on over half of the section of DO-160H in preparation for the public commenting to finalize the document. SC-135 plans to initiate Final Review and Comment (FRAC) on DO-160H in 2025 which will be concurrent with WG-14’s Open Consultation (OC) period.
Apr 9 – SC-231, TAWS, met virtually to discuss the possibility of reactivating the committee, due to a request from the FAA and EASA. The committee agreed and will present a Terms of Reference (ToR) to the PMC at its June meeting.
Apr 11 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, met virtually in plenary to continue work on DO-230N – Standards for Airport Security Access Control Systems. They are reviewing all sections for updates and are considering adding a new section on artificial intelligence. Publication is expected in mid-2025.
Apr 15 & 19 – SC-206 w/WG-76, Aeronautical Information and Meteorological Data Link Services, met in joint plenary at International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Geneva, Switzerland. They continued work on a new turbulence standard and DO-364A/ED-XXX to add newly defined AIS and MET service descriptions. They also kicked off two new tasks – a revision to DO-358B and an RTCA Report to include recommendation(s) regarding possible standards to support aircraft-based meteorological observation dependent applications. All items are scheduled for publication in 2025.
Apr 17 – SC-222 w/WG-82, Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Remote) Systems (AMS(R)S), met virtually to continue work on MASPS DO 343E/ED-242D and MOPS DO-262G/ED-243C. They expect to approve the documents for FRAC/OC release this summer with publication scheduled for late 2024.
Apr 22 – SC-243 w/WG-128, Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH) Development Assurance, held their initial kick-off meeting in Saint Denis, France with over 90 participants with around 20 people at EUROCAE and over 70 people connected virtually. The joint group is working on an internal report to detail the potential updates to DO-254/ED-80. The report will be provided to RTCA and EUROCAE in September of this year. The next plenary will take place at RTCA in Washington, DC on May 31.
Apr 26 – SC-216 w/WG-72, Aeronautical Information Systems Security, met in joint plenary at European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Headquarters, Cologne, Germany. They continued work on resolution of comments from DO-326B/ED-202B’s FRAC/OC. They also worked on a revision of DO-392/ED-206 and development of two new documents entitled Information Security Management System for Aviation Organizations and Standard on Aviation Data Security. All four documents are expected to be published in late 2024 to early 2025. They reviewed and approved changes to their Terms of Reference being presented to the Program Management Committee in June for two additional taskings.
Apr 30 – SC-217 w/WG-44, Aeronautical Databases, met in Virtual Plenary to review and approve the final draft of DO-200C. The document will be presented at the Program Management Committee meeting June 27th for publication. SC-217 and WG-44 will meet in Brussels next month to continue work on the update to DO-201B.
Apr 30 – SC-244 w/WG-129, Take-off Performance Monitoring (TOPM) System Strategy, held hybrid kickoff meeting hosted at EUROCAE in Saint Denis. They are tasked to create a report with recommendations for possible standards development or revision to current standards regarding TOPM issues.
Agendas for all Plenary meetings of RTCA Special Committees and recent news from our special committees can be found at: https://www.rtca.org/committees-overview/. Please contact the program director for virtual connection information.