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Call for Interest – Addressing New Technologies in RTCA Aviation Standards

October 5, 2023
Home / News / Call for Interest – Addressing New Technologies in RTCA Aviation Standards

In response to the FAA’s workshop on artificial intelligence (AI) held last month at MITRE, RTCA seeks to examine our standards with a focused approach to incorporate AI, machine learning (ML), and other emerging technologies into our standards development process. The goal will be to provide the design space and boundaries to modernize RTCA’s standards.

RTCA is soliciting input from their membership to discuss options for adapting MOPS, MASPS, Reports, and other RTCA Standards to best account for AI and other emerging technologies.

A workshop will be held the week of November 27th to initiate the development of the following:

  1. A Roadmap of how to address AI in RTCA Standards
  2. A Terms of Reference for the work needing to be explored on AI with guidance on initial deliverables
  3. Suggested areas where detailed guidance is needed for existing RTCA Documents that may need to be reviewed and updated
  4. Suggest additional standards for RTCA to develop related to AI/ML

Participation in this workshop will be by invitation only. To register your company’s interest, please respond to this form: https://forms.office.com/r/5Gf62Pua29. If your organization wishes to submit additional information for RTCA as we embark on this journey, please email [email protected].


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