Oct 31 & Nov 2 – SC-230, Airborne Weather Detections Systems, met virtually to begin work on a White Paper to perform analysis and test to determine susceptibility of airborne weather radar systems to radio frequency interference. This paper is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024.
Oct 31 – Nov 3 – SC-214 w/WG-78, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, met in a joint plenary at Collins Aerospace in Annapolis, MD, to complete comment resolution for DO-352B/ED-230B and DO-353B/ED-231B. The documents were approved to exit Final Review and Comment/Open Consultation (FRAC/OC) and will be presented to the PMC and TAC for approval and publication.
Nov 6 – SC-235, Non-Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, met virtually in plenary to complete FRAC resolution on DO-227B. With the extensive changes from this lengthy resolution process, the group approved a second FRAC round. This will put the publication into late 2024.
Nov 8-9 – SC-213 w/WG-79, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems and Synthetic Vision Systems (EFVS/SVS), met in a joint plenary at RTCA in Washington, DC, to complete the drafting on a new Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard (MASPS) for EFVS and a new MASPS for SVS. The group approved both documents to enter FRAC/OC. Publication of both documents is expected in 2024.
Nov 9 – SC-238 w/WG-115, Counter UAS, met in joint plenary virtually to complete FRAC/OC resolution for DO-403/ED-322 SPR/INTEROP. They completed this task and recommended forwarding the document to RTCA PMC and EUROCAE Council for final review and approval for publication in December.
Nov 13-17 – SC-227 w/WG-85, Standards of Navigation Performance, met in a joint plenary hosted on Monday by EUROCONTROL and Tuesday–Friday by EASA in Brussels, Belgium. The group was focused on resolving comments received in FRAC/OC on the RNP MOPS and MASPS. The group will meet again in January to continue resolving comments. Publication of DO-236E and DO-283C is expected in 2024.
SC-227 and WG-85 want to thank both EUROCONTROL and EASA for their excellent hosting, allowing a successful week of plenary meetings.