Aug 7 – SC-214 w/WG-78, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, met in virtual plenary to review and approve DO-353B/ED-231B Change 1, Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications, ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation (ATN Baseline 1 – Baseline 2 Interop Standard). The document is now in Final Review and Comment/Open Consultation (FRAC/OC) and can be viewed on RTCA’s Documents Under Review Page. The next meeting will be held Oct 15-18 at Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Aug 13 – SC-235, Non-Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, met virtually in plenary to work resolution of items from DO-227B’s second FRAC. The goal now is to reach consensus to forward to the PMC in December for final approval and publication.
Aug 22 – SC-224, Airport Security Access Control Systems, met virtually in plenary to continue work on DO-230N – Standards for Airport Security Access Control Systems. They are reviewing all sections for updates and are considering adding a new section on artificial intelligence. Publication is expected in mid-2025.
Aug 22-23 – SC-227 w/WG-85, Standards of Navigation Performance, met in a joint plenary session hosted by Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The joint group worked through the comments received during the final review process to publish documents. The group continues to meet weekly to resolve comments, and they are hopeful to publish these documents, DO-283C and DO-236F, the MOPS and MASPS for Required Navigational Performance at the December 2024 Program Management Committee meeting.
Aug 27-28 – SC-231, Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS), met at RTCA in Washington, DC and began work on an internal report scoping planned changes to DO-367 and plans for additional RTCA Reports. The next meeting is scheduled for October 8-9.